Building a Safer Texas For All
This weekend, Daya was honored to co-lead a statewide convening of five Texas agencies supporting Asian, South Asian, and Muslim survivors of domestic and sexual violence. Together our agencies tackled big problems through innovation and collaboration. It was a day of building relationships, brainstorming solutions, and planting the seeds for a lifetime of collaboration. We thank Texas Council on Family Violence (TCFV), Texas Association Against Sexual Assault (TAASA), and Asian Pacific Institute on Gender-Based Violence for their participation and for taking the time to learn from our dedicated team members. A big thank you to Eesha Pandit from CAIP for facilitating our work, and to our leaders- Daya Houston ED, Rachna Khare and Asian Family Support Services of Austin ED, Darlene Lanham - for making this dream a reality. We're ready to create a safer Texas together!