Confidential Helpline
Self-care is any activity that we do deliberately in order to take care of our mental, emotional, and physical health. Although it’s a simple concept in theory, it’s something we very often overlook. Good self-care is key to improved mood and reduced anxiety. It’s also key to a good relationship with oneself and others.
Below are some self care tools you can employ to live a more balanced life.
Focusing on your sensations can help alleviate stress and anxiety
Relax outdoors by listening to the sounds of nature and basking in the glorious sunshine.
Light a candle and snuggle under a cozy blanket.
Take a hot shower or warm bath.
Listen to music you enjoy.
Pay attention to your breathing and take slow deep breaths
When you’re feeling stressed, engage in an activity you enjoy.
Explore a new area of your city or take a drive.
Enjoy your favorite things – restaurants, movies, books, or hobbies.
Write about your feelings in a journal.
Play with your pet or take them for a long walk.
Increase your motivation and energy by tackling a task that you’ve been avoiding or completing an activity that challenges your brain.
Clean out a junk drawer or a closet.
Make a to-do list of small tasks for you to complete.
Read up on a topic you would like to learn more about.
Enjoy a crossword, word search, or Sodoku.
Take up a new hobby – art, crafting, music, or gardening.
Remind yourself about your beliefs and values to help cope with stress and ease any anxieties or stress.
Attend a religious event or service.
Read poetry, inspiring quotes, or religious texts.
Write a list of the things and people you are grateful for.
Pray or meditate to calm your mind.
When feeling under stress, our behavior and emotions are often viewed as appropriate or inappropriate by ourselves and others. Instead of labeling, try these methods:
Practice yoga.
Go for a walk or run.
Dance or take a Zumba class.
Go for a bike ride or to the gym.
Get as much sleep as your body needs. Take an afternoon nap if you need it!
Building and maintaining relationships with individuals you trust is extremely beneficial for your mental health. Remember, you are not alone.
Call or Facetime a friend or family member.
Join a club or look for group activities you enjoy at a local community center.
Join a support group to share your feelings and connect with others.
Invite a good friend over for tea, dinner, or a movie.