What Does A Healthy Relationship Look Like?
Knowing the difference between an unhealthy and healthy relationship can change the way you show up for yourself and others in your relationships. But what does a healthy relationship look like? Read on to find out.
In real life, relationships are not black and white, rather they exist on a spectrum.
Equality and trust are the cornerstones of any healthy relationship. All partners openly communicate their hopes, thoughts, and fears. Of course, as in any relationship, there are bound to be disagreements, but a healthy relationship deals with disagreements through mutual respect, compromise, and active listening.
Here are some examples of what a healthy relationship could look like include:
Your partner appreciates your passions and encourages you to do the things you love, even if they don’t share the hobby. Your partner uses a name or pronoun that you don’t like but stops using it once you correct them or ask them not to. (Mistakes happen, but healthy partners will respect your needs)
On the unhealthy relationship side of the spectrum, there are often attempts by one or both partners to control each other. Dishonesty, disrespect often show up and can cause tension in the relationship. Disagreements in an unhealthy relationship often turn nasty or don't happen at all and instead show up as passive-aggressive comments or behavior.
Here are some examples of an unhealthy relationship:
Your partner says you don’t really love them because you want to go on a weekend trip with a friend instead of staying home with them. After an argument, your partner gives you the silent treatment for the rest of the week.
Abusive relationships are based on power and control. One partner clearly holds the power and often uses it to manipulate and control their partner. Communication is often hurtful and full of accusations, blame and distrust. When you have disagreements in an abusive relationship, you often end up feeling afraid and alone.
For example:
During an argument, your partner takes away your keys so you can’t leave the situation or Your partner insists you give them access to your social media accounts so that they can trust you.
Most relationships often tend to swing back and forth between the healthy and unhealthy sides of the spectrum. Most of us have internalized biases, behaviors and defense mechanisms that can trigger some unhealthy behavior in our relationships. Becoming aware of these behaviors and consciously making an effort to change how we show up for ourselves and others will help us have more healthy relationships in our life. However, if you find that your relationship often oscillates from the unhealthy to the abusive side of the spectrum, or you find yourself constantly making excuses for your partner's unhealthy behavior, it may be time to take a hard and honest look at this relationship. Anyone can find themselves in an abusive relationship, it is not your fault and you are definitely not alone. Call our helpline on 713-981-7645 to talk to someone who can help.